Discovering the Art of Bending Your Mindset and Manifesting
your Multiple Intelligences in selling.
Doctors cant sell Real Estate! Whats your mindset?
A number of people related this statement to me when I first
decided to get into sellingreal estate over 20 years ago. And
you know they were right!
It really depends on your experience, attitude and mindset!
But what an exciting and challenging profession! Especially,
the privilege of meeting so many interesting and fascinating
people! A top producer once told me, "What's a nice Doctor
like you doing Swimming with The Sharks"? I replied, "I don't
swim with the Sharks, I just out service and out race them!
And I know a lot of nice people in Real Estate, including you"!
It all depends on your mindset, attitude, flexibility and
adaptability, which we all have. But mindset adjustment takes
time and a lot of effort. Yes, learning to use our inherent
Multiple Intelligences. Having been a real estate broker for
over 20 years, I can now understand why they ask how long
you have been in the business? The real estate sales
business is incredibly competitive. All agents are working for
themselves. This of course simulates your creativity and
innovation; otherwise youre not going to eat.
The techniques about maneuvering within the sales system
are critical for survival as a Real Estate Professional. The
reason is everybody is competing for customers, clients and
contacts. It took me three years to understand some of
techniques that are utilized by successful real estate
professionals. Having been a Doctor, as a practicing
Podiatrist, for over 38 years, including selling real estate has
been a series of fascinating adventures, but not easy.
At the time I couldn't find one Doctor to be my Mentor, in the
entire country. Finding any Doctor who had transcended from
Doctoring into successful Real Estate Sales? Oh, lots
invested in Real Estate but with a third party decision maker.
Which at times resulted in loss of funds, while the
entrepreneurs usually worked with the Doctors money.
Sometimes I would become very angry as to the competitive
tactics, techniques and aggressiveness in the field but this
was because of my inexperience. Finally, after counseling
with a number of successful Real Estate Professionals, I
realized it was a System of Selling. It was a matter of
marketing and looking at it as a roller coaster ride, and
making the decision along with the excitement and
sometimes confusion
Real Estate Clients/Customers arent going to be flocking to
your office, as a Doctor. Your earned professional integrity,
knowledge and expertise over the years brought the
marvelous world of referrals. Not only from patients,
colleagues but the world. But that world is partially an illusion
in Real Estate. Also your status position is a community is
relegated to the perception people have of Real Estate
Professionals, as compared to a Doctor. This perception is
real, no different to being compared as discerning an
Attorney and a Doctor. What really matters is Your
Perception of Yourself, especially during the Mindset
Transitional Stage. And I might add the utilization of your
inherent Multiple Intelligences.
Discovering on Bending Your Mindset
I really began to like this competitive feeling after a few years,
especially since I was now selling, and understanding the
sellers and buyers problems and needs. This is in addition
to improving the sales agents techniques and systems of
selling. My one objection with home sales was the constant
driving and traveling but I soon learned how to qualify and
comprehend the motives, wants and needs of many of the
sellers and buyers. This only comes with actual experience
in the arena
Essentially, diagnosing the best way to help fulfill
clients/customers needs. They really appreciated this
professionalism rather than just trying to sell them a piece of
property. Besides the property doesnt buy or sell itself,
people do! Its interesting but there is a nasty word such as
recession, especially if it involves your own properties! The
taxes, mortgage payments and insurance continue. In order
to avoid bankruptcy and financial disaster, I actually went
back to auctioneering school, and became a Professional
Auctioneer to auction off my own properties. Im still an
auctioneer. Again illustrating how adaptable, resilient and
flexible we are.
And what does this Doctor, Broker and Auctioneer do today,
in addition to other adventures, like still playing my
bagpipes? I now devote much of my time, to profitable
networking within the massive cooperative market of
professionals in the mentioned fields of interests. Become a
Master of Delegation and Cooperative Sharing with all Top
Professionals in each field.
Copyright 2004 Ted Borgeas, All Rights Reserved
Ted Borgeas, Author, 35 years Self-Coaching Yourself.
Helps people get insight on Career & Life Transitions.
E-mail: for free 30 minute introductory phone coaching
Phone: 619-235-9393, PO Box, 3022, La Jolla, CA
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Dr. Ted Borgeas is a 75 year old retired Foot Surgeon-Podiatrist who is a master of transcending through life transitions and piggybacking careers and attitudes to success.
He limits his coaching to Doctors and other professionals. Dr. Ted had been a Podiatric consultant inside a Federal Prison for 15 years and inside a state mental hospital for 7 years. The author of 11 books. Keynote speaker and lecturer. Most business gurus will stress using "Other Peoples Money" But Dr. Ted believes and lives on the premise cultivate and enlighten "Other Peoples Youth" it nourishes your own youth.
Dr. Ted's mutiple careers include being a prominent Real Estate Broker-Consultant for over 20 years and an Auctioneer for 10 years. A proponent of "It ain't Braggin' If you'ver done it" one of his books.
His latest book is "Grandpa is a Giggle" How to turn Adversities into Adventures! 8 books are on under Borgeas. Loves to hear from everybody and answers all mail.
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